Wake Up Your Brand! Revive Your Fundraising!

Propel Your Nonprofit to a Higher Level of Success!

Revitalize Your Brand, Motivate Your Audiences & Raise More Money

Is your organization looking to stand out and attract donors?

Are you looking to harness the power of AI to save time and drive your growth?

Are you looking for a partner who understands your nonprofit’s needs?

Bring our specialized expertise to transform your organization.

Get Strategic Insights & Implementation from One Agency

• Organizational strategy to set your direction
• A revitalized and relevant brand that resonates
• A communication plan to cultivate your audience
• Messaging that motivates people to take action
• Fundraising strategy and campaigns that raise more money
• Digital campaigns that engage people in your mission

Looking to Boost Your Fundraising Results?

Raise More Money with Our Behavioral Science Methodology

Achieve greater results when you know how to motivate people to take action. Connect with your audiences, craft compelling offers, and write messages that resonate. Our Actionology Fundraising Model taps into dozens of psychological principles organized in 6 steps to help you raise more money.

Fundraising Results


increase in average donation

$10 Million 

raised in capital campaign


amount raised from lapsed donors

“You totally hit it out of the park. We heard nothing but totally positive comments. Your suggestions on how to engage the team right from the start were spot on. Many, many thanks.”

Katherine Finnigan, Former Development Director, LifeMoves

Actionology Fundraising Action Pack



* indicates required

Elevate Donor Expectations with a Bold Vision


increase in average donation

Use the Loss Aversion Principle to Attract New Audiences


email opt-ins in 1 month

Use Action Design to Engage Past Donors


amount raised from lapsed donors

Is Your Brand Holding Your Organization Back?

Here are 10 ways to wake up your brand.

Branding Examples

Revitalizing a National Disability Network

Research Institute Gets Independent Brand

Updating an Aging Organization

“Howard Levy and the team at Red Rooster Group have impressed us at every turn.”

— Lisa Wixon, Musican

Promoting Democracy Organizations

Strengthening our democracy and shoring up civic engagement is critical. Use our unique approach to advance your efforts on democracy, conduct get-out-the-vote and persuasion campaigns, revitalize your brand, and promote your advocacy efforts for freedom and civil rights.

Bridging the Divide

How can we heal the divide in this country? By understanding the kinds of differences that exist and looking beyond the obvious for solutions. Here are some inspiring ideas.

Promoting Democracy Cover


Communicate More Effectively

“This is what you’ll call a well-oiled and amazing machine!!! Thank you!”

Camille Gonzalez Kennedy | Vice President of Philanthropy | LifeMoves

Let’s Talk!

Whether you want to engage audiences, improve your brand, or raise money, we’re here to help you achieve your goals. We’re located in New York City and work with organizations across the United States and the world. Start the conversation.

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