CLIENT: StratX We helped StratX, a global consulting firm, to present itself as a leader in business simulations in order to attract new clients. Oriented to multinational corporations, the [...]
CLIENT: King Freeze Mechanical Did you know that UV light kills bacteria in the air? Designed to be located inside your air ducts, Air Probe Sanitizer destroys harmful bacteria before it gets [...]
The website for this recruitment firm with 17 offices in the United States describes their traditional fee-based staffing services as well as their unique cost-per-unit staffing model for [...]
CLIENT: International Merchandise Group With changing political climates and increasing demands from retailers, helping apparel companies in the United States to source manufacturing overseas is [...]
CLIENT: World Trade Institute We handled the design of the annual course catalog for the World Trade Institute, an educational institution, featuring a listing of all courses, special programs, [...]
So you want to be a ‘networker’ People often say that they wish they knew “how to network.” There’s no doubt that networking is an essential component of business success. In fact, The [...]
Looking for good networking? Check out these event calendars: NONPROFIT Charity Happenings – A large list of fundraising events, galas and benefits produced by nonprofits Nonprofit [...]
Looking to redesign your website or upgrade your agency’s branding and putting out a Request for Proposals (RFP)? Make sure you get the best consultant you can by making your RFP the best [...]