Organizations Healing the Divide

Better Arguments Project

The Better Arguments Project is a national civic initiative created to help bridge divides – not by papering over those divides but by helping people have better arguments.

More in Common

More in Common uses research to understand the forces driving us apart and to develop solutions to find common ground, and help to bring people together to tackle our shared challenges and make a real difference at scale. They also help build the larger field of efforts to strengthen democratic societies against the threats of polarization and division.

Resetting the Table

This nonprofit partners with community organizations across the U.S. to build a culture of dialogue across differences on charged political issues in American life.

Rural Urban Bridge

The Rural Urban Bridge Initiative invites liberals and progressives to think differently, talk differently, and act differently in order to understand the causes of the rural-urban divide and then do something to repair it. They develop political, economic and communications strategies that build bridges and serve the common interests of working and middle class Americans.

Starts With Us

Starts With Us is a movement to overcome political and cultural division in America by practicing curiosity, compassion, and courage every day.


David Brooks, writer for The New York Times and The Atlantic, one of our favorite people, started this organization to heal the divide. Check them out.


Baratunde Thurston reimagines the word “citizen” as a verb and reminds us how to wield our collective power. Learn new perspectives and practices from people working to improve society for the many. Join writer, activist, and comedian Baratunde on a journey beyond politics as usual that will leave us all more hopeful, connected, and moved to act. One of Apple’s favorite podcasts of 2020.

Promoting Democracy

Strengthening our democracy and shoring up civic engagement is critical. Use our unique approach to advance your efforts on democracy, conduct get-out-the-vote and persuasion campaigns, as well as to revitalize your brand and promote your advocacy efforts for freedom and civil rights.

What do you need help with?

Developing a strategy?

Engaging your audiences?

Revitalizing your brand?

 Raising more money?

Let’s Talk!

Whether you are looking to engage audiences, improve your brand, or raise money, we’re here to help you achieve your goals. We’re located in New York City and work with organizations across the United States and the world. Start the conversation.