The Case for Support document is exactly what its name says: a written statement that explains why people should support your organization.

Your nonprofit’s Case for Support can be as short as one page or as long as a booklet. It may be mailed to potential donors or made into a video for your website. No matter what form it takes, it should incorporate the following elements:

The Problem Your Organization Addresses

Describe the problem your organization is trying to solve, both statistically — number of people affected, dollar cost to society — and anecdotally — stories of individuals affected by the problem. Whenever possible, use photography to convey emotional appeal and use graphs or infographics to make numbers easy to understand by making the problem come to life.

What Your Organization Does to Solve the Problem

From direct services to advocacy, explain what your organization is doing to solve the problem. This is your opportunity to point out your organization’s unique approach to the problem whether it be method of delivering services or a focus on a specific population in need. Donors and funders are increasingly looking for organizations that have unique models and approaches —utilizing crowdsourcing, technology, or market forces — to scale quickly and to create greater impact.

The Impact Your Organization Has Had

Show the effectiveness of your program with measurements and with anecdotes. Substantiate the value of your organization’s work by stating how many people you have helped and tell the story of individuals whose lives your organizations has improved. Include progress on your issue, advocacy wins, new treatments developed, etc. Discuss your lessons learned from programs that were not as successful.

How People Can Get Involved with Your Organization’s Good Work

Lay out the different levels of support (one-time donation to planned giving), ways of donating (by mail, donate button, etc.), getting involved in volunteer committees, and how donations are used. In this section, you can your organization’s credibility as a worthwhile charity by listing your Charity Navigator rating, awards, or respected foundations that support your organization. But add these things judiciously so that you don’t distract too much from the “ask”.

How to Use Your Case for Support

The Case for Support is the keystone of your organization’s fundraising efforts. In writing the Case for Support, you have examined your mission, vision, what makes your organization different, your values, and your approach to services. It can be used as a presentation at a gala or a brochure to hand out at your events or a guide to designing your website or to inspire staff.

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