CLIENT: StratX We helped StratX, a global consulting firm, to present itself as a leader in business simulations in order to attract new clients. Oriented to multinational corporations, the [...]
Developing effective messaging for your nonprofit is essential in helping donors understand your organization's importance and its impact on society. But the understanding has to start within [...]
We developed this interactive gala invite for a nonprofit educational organization that helped to attract a crowd and introduce the organization's new name and tagline. Read more.
Here are 10 ways that nonprofit organizations can wake up your brand to strengthen their appeal to donors, improving their website and gaining visibility.
In addition to serving as the key identifying mark, your organization’s logo can tell people a lot about your organization, its values and philosophy. But that's only half the story. Once you [...]
Events are great for raising money for your organization, but are you maximizing the impact of all that hard work? Besides fundraising, events can build awareness about what your organization [...]
How do you know if your nonprofit brand works? This is one of the questions that Howard Adam Levy of Red Rooster Group, a leading branding agency focused on the needs of nonprofits, addresses in [...]