Nonprofits seek to improve their websites for many reasons: Raising Money Building a Community of Supporters Improving Membership Rates Increasing Participation in Programs Promoting Events [...]
Properly promoting your event will help make it a success. We have compiled this checklist of items for promoting your fundraising event as well as free resources you can take advantage of.
Red Rooster Group has been handling some big-picture questions recently from the strategic and marketing perspectives. We relish the challenge of grappling with issues that have the ability to [...]
As part of our commitment to the nonprofit sector, Red Rooster Group is proud to sponsor and promote the New Jersey Center for Non-Profits’ conference. Red Rooster Group is providing [...]
The feedback is in and attendees are raving about our webinar yesterday, one calling it “The most informative session I have ever attended (live or web based) about branding.”
Nonprofits can focus their message, appear more professional and attract donors when they have a strong brand. These were the key points I made in a workshop at the Support Center for Nonprofit [...]
Learn how to effectively brand your business and gain a competitive advantage with this hour and half workshop. Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:30 to 11 am Brooklyn Creative League 540 President [...]
Change the Tax Code to Allow Deductions for Pro Bono Services Red Rooster Group is establishing a campaign called Deduct It! to change the IRS tax code to allow small businesses to claim a [...]
CLIENT: Seedco With black males in this country facing a 1 in 4 chance of going to prison during their lifetimes, how do you get urban teens to think about career choices? National nonprofit [...]
Howard Adam Levy, Principal of Red Rooster Group, conducted a 3 hour seminar on websites today at the Support Center for Nonprofit Management in New York City. The workshop helped nonprofit [...]