Preparation for a photo shoot is a critical part of creating good photos, according to Jason Gardner, a photographer experienced in both nonprofit and corporate photography. Proper planning will maximize the effectiveness of the photos while minimizing costs.

Photos catch the eye and pull your audience into your  website, annual report, marketing brochure or Case for Support. Make sure that you know what you want the photos to say as well as the technical parameters of what you need — horizontal, vertical, color, high resolution, etc. Professional photographers can help you figure all this out and guide you in setting up compelling rather than ho-hum images.

A conference before the photo shoot, either in person or via conference call, can help you home in on what you need, help the photographer decide what equipment to bring, and ensure the turnaround you need. During the conference, you can discuss the emotion you want the photos to evoke and the purpose of the photos. Knowing the answers to the questions below will result in better photos and also give you a more accurate assessment of how much the shoot will cost.

  • Strategic Direction: What do you want the photo to accomplish?
  • Message: What do you want the photos to convey?
  • Audience: Whose attention do you want to grab with the photo? What is the demographic of your audience?
  • Vision: What does “good photo” mean to you? Show the photographer examples of photos you like. Help the photographer “see” what you have in mind.
  • Usage: Where will the photo be used? Online, in print, in social media, sent to the press? All of the above? The color system for these uses is different so it’s important to know ahead of time.
  • Timing: Do you need photos immediately to send out with press releases or are these for a long-term upgrade of your website? What’s the deadline?
  • Number: How many photos do you want out of this shoot? If it’s a gala or other event, do you need a photo of every board member and every major donor? If the photos are documentary or marketing, how many photos will you need for each purpose?

Another helpful tip from Jason: If you do want pictures of particular people at the gala, such as every board member, help the photographer find them. Give the board members special name tags or provide a guide to point out the people who must be photographed.

After the event or the photo shoot, the photographer will go through the images, selecting those that meet your criteria. You’ll then have to go through the images to decide which you like, whether you want them cropped, and where you’ll use them. Conferring with the photographer at this point is useful, to make sure that the cropped proportions and other technical requirements are met. When your selection has been made, the photographer will provide the images in the formats needed.

Images that make your audience take a second look and entice them to keep reading your website, brochure, or newsletter are valuable additions to your marketing.

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