Promoting the Center and offering discounts and services to members

Ever a supporter of the nonprofit sector, Red Rooster Group has partnered with the Center for Non-Profits in NJ, the umbrella organization for nonprofits in the state. Under the partnership arrangement, Red Rooster Group will provide a discount to members and the opportunity for members to get some free services.

Services that Red Rooster Group will provide to the Center’s members:

  • 10% off all strategic and creative services services (including brand development, websites, email campaigns, newsletters, and strategy).
  • Pro bono comprehensive brand, website, marketing and social media reviews will be provided to two members. These reviews will help the nonprofits to understand their strengths and how well they communicate them to their donors and other audiences. Red Rooster Group will provide concrete recommendations for improving their brand, website and communications outreach. Apply today!

Also as part of this partnership arrangement, Red Rooster Group will pro bono services to the Center for Non-Profits to promote the Center’s annual statewide non-profit conference.

We believe in a strong nonprofit sector and are glad to help support the Center as well as their members.

Our relationship for the Center goes back to 1993, when we provided services to them through Pro Bono, Inc. We reconnected again in 2007 at the Nation Council of Nonprofits Annual Conference in Washington, DC. And when the Center decided to produce an annual conference in 2009, they turned to us for help in promoting it. We subsequently helped develop their membership materials, and promote their 2011 conference.

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