Feeling squeamish that advertisers are learning all your preferences from your Facebook page, e-commerce sites and apps? Your predilection for privacy is not shared by all. At a recent networking event, a 36-year-old woman who works at an IT consulting firm for nonprofit organizations confided that she likes being targeted.

”I always fill out those surveys,” she said excitedly. “If they are going to send you advertising, it might as well be for things I like. Advertising is fact of life. It might as well work for us.”

The topic turned to more specific ways of targeting such as Groupon’s micro targeting services. For example, when restaurants hit a down time in their meal cycle, they can log onto Groupon and offer discounts to people in their immediate area in order to fill tables.

Welcome to the future of advertising. Targeted messages delivered to people when they want them. How can you take advantage of technology to promote your organization or business? Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Katie FellerKatie Feller is Red Rooster Group’s social marketing intern. She is helping to develop and implement social media and website marketing for Incarnation Camp’s alumni program.

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