LearningLinks Preschool

Integrated Digital & Print Campaign

We created a comprehensive marketing plan and digital campaign including testing various offers online and in person.


  • Assessment
  • Messaging Strategy
  • Facebook Targeting Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Management
  • Emails
  • Social Media
  • Print Collateral
  • Website Enhancements
  • Testimonial Videos
  • Marketing Videos





Link Clicks

Digital Enrollment Ads

As part of the effort, we created a marketing plan to recruit teachers, including recommendations for job postings and online marketing efforts, creating print and video ads, and a new Careers page on the website.


Communications Assessment & Recommendations

We interviewed staff to develop a flow chart of all communications with prospective parents and made recommendations for improving emails and other communications to add more value, urgency, and motivation to act.

Overview Document

We began by creating overview documents to define the preschool’s proposition.

Offer Testing 

To bolster enrollment, we tested various offers, including discounts and fee waivers, and promoted them through Facebook the website, at open houses, community fairs, and other methods.



We used email to the school’s list as well as partnership emails with local media for reaching a wider audience.


To improve the school’s online appeal and increase conversions, we redesigned key pages, added videos and testimonials, and updated the website regularly with the new offers and open house events.


To improve visibility for the pre-school, we recommended and produced low-cost banners facing the various sides of the building.

Teacher Recruitment Ads

As part of the effort, we created a marketing plan to recruit teachers, including recommendations for job postings and online marketing efforts, creating print and video ads, and a new Careers page on the website.

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