In today’s increasingly tech-mediated world it is absolutely essential that your company or organization have an effective and compelling website. Your website serves as the public face of your [...]
We developed this interactive gala invite for a nonprofit educational organization that helped to attract a crowd and introduce the organization's new name and tagline. Read more.
Here are 10 ways that nonprofit organizations can wake up your brand to strengthen their appeal to donors, improving their website and gaining visibility.
In addition to serving as the key identifying mark, your organization’s logo can tell people a lot about your organization, its values and philosophy. But that's only half the story. Once you [...]
Your fundraising event invitation is often an over-looked method for promoting your nonprofit organization. Consider this: If you mail out 2,000 invitations and expect to get 200 people to attend [...]
I received the mailing showing the new paper ballot and I am shocked how poorly designed it is. The fill in dot is in the bottom of the box for each candidate and is actually located closest to [...]
CLIENT: Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County, NJ We helped a local Jewish Federation transition their organization to address the changing needs of their community, update their mission, [...]